About Dale Heights


  • Worship service in the sanctuary begins at 10:00am — a time for children and adults to gather and participate in worship, music, Scripture, and a message.
  • Special and themed worship opportunities are offered throughout the year, including Christmas and Easter services.
  • Bilingual worship services are held occasionally with the Madison Sah-lang (Agape) Korean Church.
  • We have an active choral program and many opportunities for musical performance.  Choir practice is at 7:30 pm most Wednesday evenings from September through May. Contact the church to confirm the date/time.


  • We are a gathering of individuals of many ages and from many races, ethnicities, cultures, countries, and walks of life.
  • We value and enjoy our times of worship and fellowship together.
  • We gather for coffee and conversation each Sunday after worship.
  • Potluck programs are opportunities to learn about local mission and issues.









Dale Heights is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  Please visit their website to learn more about the PCUSA’s mission, beliefs and history.